Sunday, January 25, 2009

Teach Your Children

Teach your children to be whole and centred and confident.
Teach them by example, by sharing, by listening, by being.
Help them discover the magic in their own hearts…and in Nature.
Let them be curious, questioning, laughing, exploring, wonder-struck.
Help them build their character and their inner strength, their courage and indomitable persistence in the teeth of opposition, their certainty in their own ability and inner truth.
Be protective and nurturing, but also let them make their own mistakes and learn in their own way, just as you did.
Teach them, by your being and by your example, that the greatest treasures they possess are the moments of their lives. That money or fame or power are not the real goal …that the state of Being is what counts the most.
Every moment lived in awareness is magical …every moment lived unconsciously is a tragic waste. Let your children truly see!
Let them discover that they are not “mere” human beings but deathless spirits, divine and radiant, one with all creation, eternally.
Let them marvel at the incredible love and joy that pervades everyday reality, the pure perfection of the invisible that is the source and substance of the visible.
Let them feel and experience the web of oneness that is this universe. Let them experience the joy of creativity and revel in the richness of the soul.
Let them grow into beings of Light and compassion and grace.
Let them lift up their heads and be free.

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